praise God:

for a place to live in the summer! we shall make pizza with whole wheat crust and sunbathe in the backyard.

for bethany crouch’s incredible talk at crossroads last night. i won’t ever think of the Passion the same way again.

for crossroads in general. “ye shall know them by their love…”

that i don’t, in fact, have a million library books overdue. because it seemed inevitable by this point.

for naps.

woe is me:

for consuming cheese pizza, a java chip frappucino, and chex mix in quick succession. now i feel both PMS-y and fat and gross. wah.

for being selfish. and proud. and downright disgusting. (and it’s probably unnecessary to emphasize that that is no exaggerated attempt at humility, because you all probably know exactly how true it is because i’m probably a lot worse at hiding it than i think i am. the point is, i am saved by the power of Jesus but my “old man” shakes his decrepit fist at sanctification.)

be still, my soul because the list of God’s blessings outnumbers my list of woes. (and in compiling praises, i hadn’t even begun to exert extra cognitive energy. they’re just there, immediately apparent, simple and solid enough to get me joyously through another page in this grand novel of life.)

9 thoughts on “

  1. praise God for the fact that our reputations usually suffer less than our pride; for our internal mirror is often much clearer than other’s external lense. not that this knowledge will help the pride issue, but perhaps as a soothing balm in the midst of battling one issue out to its final death throes, we can take comfort in knowing that others will not be abandoning us, though at times we may feel that we are less than they imagine us to be.
    perhaps i’m merely superimposing the lense of my existence onto the jotted down version of yours, but i do believe this truth to be universal, and in its universality, necessary to reveal: that humans long for acceptance from other humans, and that many a person has lost a great fight for want of considering themselves accepted, while many an underestimated other has won same fight for benefit of knowing that win or lose, they will always have friends to comfort or congratulate them.
    praise God as well that though His lense be more clear and more searching than any internal mirror we may hold, He never falters in His ability to offer unconditional love and acceptance, even while all other persons may fail us.


  2. oh miss barbados, wonderful post. as a sidenote to the woe over the munchies, i thought i’d share this with you.[as found on a certain feminine product package]: “PMS: Your body’s little way of saying, ‘It’s ok, have another Krispy Kreme.'”hugs! see you soonish!


  3. so… where is it that you’re living this summer? close to me???
    p.s. i almost ordered a triple scoop ice cream cone yesterday.


  4. Oh how I miss you too, Katie!! It would comfort me a lot if we could be in some sort of correspondance and figure out our “fourth annual”…before I must resign myself to the fact that I’m going to see you considerably less this coming summer. (or the ones hereafter) Congrats on getting the apartment all the same, though. *small smile*


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