good-bye, junior year

well, that’s that. moore’s clinical anatomy and vander’s human physiology can join the bingo-playing, tapioca-eating retired textbooks club. it’s been fun, but a new generation is waiting in the wings — porth’s pathophysiology, mosby’s guide to physical examinations, ackerman’s 101 common skin diseases, and a couple of guides to ordering and understanding laboratory tests. next monday the professional phase begins (with an orientation and a pizza lunch because apparently the PA department doesn’t practice what it preaches). and although it really bites to take 13 credits over the summer, i’m still pretty excited about learning to insert IVs, interpret plain film x-rays, and take complete medical histories!!

in other news, i already have a name picked out for my orange tabby kitten (whom i have yet to acquire, but don’t worry — he’s out there somewhere). zimbelstern. zim for short, of course, because it’s a pretty ostentatious name for a kitten. and nick, who is not exactly head over heels for cats, can’t even argue with it because a zimbelstern is (traditionally) a star-shaped configuration of bells on a pipe organ that sounds like the tinkling of fairy dust. and if it weren’t for nick i wouldn’t even know what it was, so there. and zim will have a sister with an equally incredible name. i just don’t know what it is yet…

the weather is so beautiful (excepting a freak thunderstorm last night, which still in my opinion qualifies as beautiful). we did a regular spring cleaning on sunday — amy mopped the front porch and cut the grass, liz weeded the garden, and i swept a digusting amount of hair and dustbunnies out from the crannies of our wooden stairs. and i have morning glory seeds to plant along our fence! what budding homemakers we all are.

true to form, i’ve saved the best for last (so hah! to those who didn’t make it this far). starting this thursday, amy and i are taking gaelic classes at the ireland institute. i know. life goal #62, here i come!

2 thoughts on “good-bye, junior year

  1. My dear Kate, I miss you so much right now! I can’t wait until you come back home so we can go on our little trip! It’s going to be very exciting!!
    And actually, regarding the dance question, it’s a contemporary dance class that I’m taking…so it’s not strictly interpretive, but, all the same, I can definitely teach you all this summer.


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