{Wednesday, February 4, 4:41 p.m.}

.:: just singin’ ::.

i wanna be in the light as You are in the light, i wanna shine like the stars in the heavens

Nothing makes a bus ride more enjoyable than setting up an impromptu counseling session with your seatmate “Missy” (aka my roommate Kim) who confesses an untoward fixation with coconut cream pie. Or hopping out of that bus in the rain in Vancouver and setting off with five girlfriends to explore the city – eating our first poutine fries (fries with gravy and cheese curds), buying a chicken crepe for a homeless man, and shopping shopping shopping.

glory hallelujah, glory hallelujah praise the Lord, hallelujah, glory hallelujah praise the Lord

After stumbling into bed that night, we were up again at 5:15 ready to head to the conference center at Canada Place and set up the exhibits at Missionsfest. (Missionsfest being both the means and the end of our weekend in Vancouver.) A few hours of work behind us, we set out to amuse ourselves until the conference started at noon – and I, in particular, amused myself by hopping on a skytrain to the mall and paying $25 to get a white gold stud shot through the top of my left ear. That’s an expensive hole! The afternoon seminars were so-so, but God spoke to me so strongly during the plenary session in the evening that I had to go outside and stand looking out over the water, letting the wind buffet me and letting His Spirit challenge me. The evening ended with me and my German friend Maria talking to a representative at the Salvation Army booth who thought we were both fourteen.

oh them lions, they can eat my body, but they can’t {SLINKY!} swallow my soul … no way, baby, no way, baby …

Definitely the highlight of the weekend was working at the junior high rally on Saturday night. I learned how to skank, which is a terrible name for an innocent and highly entertaining form of energetic dance, and I rode the college-student wave all night: nothing’s better than acting completely psycho and still being thought of as amazingly cool just because you’re five years older than everyone else! And THAT evening ended with my first ever visit to Tim Horton’s, where I discovered that if you blow in an iced cappucino, instead of bubbling like milk or Sprite, the entire slushy mass flies up to the top of the cup and back down again. Incredible!

And now I’m back at school and just finished an entire day of being outside in the sun. Praise Him from Whom all blessings flow! It’s in the day to day living that the most growth takes place … I’ve found.

every day it’s You i live for
every day i’ll follow after You
and every day i’ll walk with You, my Lord!

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