to be honest, it should be the best-laid plans of mice and kates. or at least and people. i am not a man, and my plans still decided to go awry — which wasn’t very fair of them considering that they were such bright, glorious, productive plans! rar.

so! instead of writing to nick on my newly found nepali paper, or working out, or building a bookshelf, or buying a frame for my new poster, or ordering more contacts, i ended up dashing from mom’s chiropractic appointment to fred meyer, where dad met me with every piece of fred meyer paraphernalia i own plus my laundry bag, so i could dig through it myself and yank the proper dress code clothes on and sprint up to starbucks — an hour late for the shift i didn’t realize i was working.

(can i please say that dear professor benzinger would die a happy man if he could see the sentence length ratio of that paragraph? he was all about the very short/very long. i miss that chap.)

but it was a good thing i worked today, because during my shift i discovered the foulest drink to ever stink up a coffee shop. now, i delightedly slurp down every concoction from green tea frappucinos to iced with-room-for-cream americanos to black sidamo coffees, but i now firmly draw the line at caramel malt frappucinos. i should have drawn it before tasting one, but curiosity won out over my suspicious nostrils. they are gross. and now we all can stay away from them. hooray for preventative coffee tips!

kate: “i miss towers so much.”
tim: “ew, gross.”
kate: “are you kidding me? towers is amazing. have you forgotten the sheer awesomeness of the cereal wall?”
tim: “true, true. maybe i’ll be re-amazed.”

to conclude–i’ve been memorizing first john one. the verses are so simple, so beautiful, so radical and yet true.

but if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. but if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

dwell on the mystery and abide in Him — not just reveling in His blessings or humbling yourself before His holiness, but being still in the presence of the one Who made mice and men and me, and Whose plans never go awry.

3 thoughts on “

  1. awww…you called nick baby! *sorry. couldn’t resist the aww moment*
    I return to my present place of abode around 11 this evening.
    What are you doing Wednesday (tomorrow) through Sunday?
    We should have a party, and I should talk to you and listen to you and you should talk to me and listen to me and we should do everything BUT drink wine out of a box with a spout like atheists. Because, after all, we are not atheist.
    We also shouldn’t discuss the bugs and the bunnies. At least not without making sure that we are near a non-busy street such as my cul-de-sac.
    But anything else in the way of a talk-fest with plenty of pop (out of a bottle, not a box, non alcoholic because we are youngsters until forever) sounds good. And it must be cheap, because I have… no money. And no job.
    On my list of things not to have now, based on Katydid’s recommendations are:
    Red Bean Ice Cream
    Caramel Malt Frappucinos
    Bad days
    ~~anything else I should add?~~


  2. Wacked dreams are awesome, arent they?
    In my dream, I was with people named Bella, Kaj, Katydid, Amarillo, T-Dog, and Fire Breathing Daffodil.
    Granted, those are all real people.
    But it was still wacked…because I couldn’t remember anybody’s REAL name… just what I have arbitrarily nicknamed them.


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